Today we share the fetch with @bologna_hawk. Boston Terrier Hawk (3 years old) and his sister EllieMae live in Virginia and are here to share all there is to know about their day in, day out lives! Check out our interview below with their mom Lacey!
N-Gage: What is your daily routine for Hawk and Ellie?
Lacey: We wake up in bed, Dad first, then Ellie, Mom and Hawk. Hawk loves to sleep in and usually has to be forced out of bed. We take them out and feed them breakfast. Throughout the day we play fetch outside in our yard at least three times. Most days include an interactive treat toy or indoor fetch, as well. They get lunch mid-day and then dinner. They get a treat before we all go to bed together.
NG: Have you always loved Boston Terriers?
L: Yes! My Godmother has a Boston Terrier named Cherry. She also had many antique Boston figures that I was obsessed with as a child. When it came time for us to get a dog, we of course chose a Boston and here we are on our 4th!

NG: What is your favorite way to engage with them?
L: Mom enjoys teaching Hawk tricks and taking photos of the dogs for Instagram. She also enjoys a fetch session that always ends with exhausted cuddles. Dad really loves cuddles and petting.
NG: How would you describe your family’s dynamic?
L: We have what I feel is a traditional family dynamic but instead of children, we have dogs. Dad works during the day (from home since COVID hit) so Mom usually takes care of the day to day needs of the dogs. Once Dad is done, he will join us for whatever we have planned for the rest of the day. Ellie has a very close relationship with Dad and is very attached to him. He is her safe space. Hawk loves both parents equally but favors Mom for snuggling. Ellie and Hawk get along very well and play often without fighting.
NG: Which one of you is the cool parent?
L: Probably Dad. He plays a lot and will let them get away with more things, like playing rough!

NG: Is there a must know Hawk/Ellie story?
L: The first time we heard Hawk bark we didn’t know he was barking. We both looked at each other and said. “Was that a bark?”. He has a very unique voice that is raspy and sounds a lot like a gremlin or a zombie.
NG: Do you bring Hawk/Ellie around town with you?
L: Generally, I will take Hawk with me if I am going to known pet friendly places like Nordstrom, HomeGoods, Marshalls and local places. Ellie doesn’t enjoy being around people as much as Hawk does. On the weekends we will often take the dogs to get lunch with outdoor seating and/or take a stroll down a main street. We are in an area with many adorable towns that have a few local dog friendly stores. Unfortunately, it’s not as dog friendly as say, NYC or San Francisco. If I were able to take Hawk everywhere, I would!
NG: How do Ellie and Hawk help you stay active?
L: Hawk and Ellie don’t allow us to be inactive. They are both so energetic, they have to play multiple times a day or they get visibly upset. Ellie has a lot of nervous energy and can’t calm down until she has had a decent fetch session. Hawk loves to tug and fetch, both of which require engaged participation. We like to go on walks and explore, but only in the milder weather because dogs that are brachycephalic (short skull and snout) overheat easily.